wvscience.org http://wvscience.org Easier Than You Think Wed, 27 Oct 2021 13:04:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://wvscience.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/633/2020/11/cropped-flask-32x32.png wvscience.org http://wvscience.org 32 32 How to Organize Your Social Science Research Paper http://wvscience.org/social-science-research-paper.html http://wvscience.org/social-science-research-paper.html#respond Wed, 27 Oct 2021 13:01:36 +0000 http://wvscience.org/?p=73 A research proposal aims at justifying the essence of studying a research problem. It gives practical ways to conduct the proposed study. The standards of a predominant discipline with the problem govern the research design. It makes the research proposal to be exact or less formal than a general project proposal. A research proposal has more detailed literature reviews. The review provides enough evidence of the existence of any proposed study.

A proposal should describe the research method with the academic or professional needs. It also describes the anticipated outcomes and their importance at the end of the study.


Make your introduction the idea pitch of the importance of the research problem. Readers should know your intentions and gain a sense of love for the topic from the introduction. They should also develop excitement about the possible results of the proposal. Remember that many proposals don’t have a summary (abstract) before an introduction. Your introduction should look like a two to the four-paragraph narrative.

Background and significance

Here, you explain your proposal’s entire content. Please give a detailed description of why it’s vital. You can present it separately or mend it into the introduction section to create a flow. In this section, don’t assume your readers know much about the problem like you. Choose the most relevant information needed but not everything that you learned. Chose an appropriate way to explain your research aims.

Literature review

Connect your proposal study significance and background sections to the literature synthesis. Now you review previous studies that relate to your research problem under investigation.

The literature review section is dense. It should make the reader grasp all the main arguments hindering the proposed study.

Don’t be afraid to challenge conclusions made in the earlier research. Do this as a way to support your proposal.

Research methods and design

Write this section well with logic. The section boosts the reader’s vital confidence. The section justifies that the proposed methods and designs will tackle the problem. These methodologies help readers to interpret well the results of your study.

Use examples from the literature review in describing the entire research design. Consider all the methods researchers use to gather data. Be open to the methodological approaches you intend to use in your research. Use a technique that will aid to do data analysis and the external validity tests.

Preliminary implications and support

The essence of this section is to bring arguments on how and in what ways you think you will tackle the research. How will you revise, refine or extend existing knowledge of the subject under study? Explain how the expected results will affect future scholarly practice and research. How will it influence theory policy-making and the intervention methods? Base the answers to these questions on your objectives and aims.


It reiterates the essence of your proposal, providing a summary of the whole study. The section must be one to two paragraphs. It should explain why a research problem is vital to investigate.

  • Citations – It’s vital to cite all the resources you used in the entire process. The section has two preferred forms:
  • References – list only the literature cited or used in the proposal.
  • Bibliography – list everything cited or used in the proposal. Add extra citations to critical sources relevant to understanding the research problem.


The above is a summary of how to tackle your social science research paper. Get a pen and paper to give it a try.

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Isaac Newton’s Biography: Science History Homework http://wvscience.org/isaac-newtons-biography-homework.html http://wvscience.org/isaac-newtons-biography-homework.html#respond Wed, 27 Oct 2021 13:00:13 +0000 http://wvscience.org/?p=72 Newton was a great mathematician and physicist. He invented modern physics principles, including the law of motion. He is part of the great minds that existed in the scientific revolution of the 17th century. In 1687, Isaac published his best writing, The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. It was the most influential writing on physics. In 1705, queen Anne of England knitted his name to Sir Isaac Newton.

Isaac was born on 4/01/1643 in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England. The old Julian calendar indicates he was born on 25/12/1642. As the only son of a local farmer, he got his name Isaac from the person who had died three months before. He was born prematurely, that nobody expected him to survive. At three years, Hannah Ayscough, who was the mother, remarried to a minister. She left Isaac under the care of his grandmother. At 12 years, Isaac reunited with the mother after her husband had died.

He started school in Grantham Kings School in Lincolnshire town. His mother stopped his education at the age of 12 years intending to make him a farmer. He found farming monotonous and failed. The mother took him back to kings’ school to finish his primary education. His uncle, a university graduate, realized Isaac’s innate intellectual abilities. He persuaded his mother to allow Isaac to enroll in the university. Isaac enrolled in a work-study program at the university in 1661 for him to be able to cater for the expenses.

He joined Cambridge university when the 17th-century scientific revolution was in full force. He learned a standard curriculum in the first three years. He became more fascinated with the more advanced science. He spends most of the time reading the works of modern philosophers. He decided to keep separate notes with a title, Certain Philosophical Questions. These questions revealed that he had discovered new concepts in nature. It laid the framework for the scientific revolution. Isaac never graduated with either distinction or honors. His efforts made him win the title of a scholar. The 1665 bubonic plague that ravaged Europe forced Cambridge University to shut down. In 1667 two years of Isaacs’s hiatus, he went back to Cambridge. He got elected as a minor fellow at trinity college. Before clicking 27 years, he got his master of arts degree in 1669.

He made discoveries in motion, mathematics, and optics. For example, he theorized that light is a composite of all spectrum colors and a composition of particles. Isaacs book Principia had information on all physics concepts except energy and helped him to explain the laws of motion and the gravity theory. Together with mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, Isaac helped in bringing calculus theories.

His first significant public achievement was in 1668. He constructed and designed a reflective telescope. The telescope helped him to study optics allowing him to prove his color and light theory. From 1665 to 1667, Isaac was at home when the university closed because of the great plague. It’s time he discovered the force of gravity when an apple falls on his head. In 1687, he published Principia that had his three laws of motion.

In 1696, Isaac got the government position of the warden of the mint. He moved to London to live with Catherine Barton, his niece. Catherine was Lord Halifax’s mistress. It’s a powerful official that used her position to get newton a job as a master of the mint in 1699. In 1703, Isaac got elected as the president of the Royal Society after the death of Robert Hook.

Isaac died on 31/03/1727, aged 84.

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How to Write a Research Paper Abstract http://wvscience.org/research-paper-abstract.html http://wvscience.org/research-paper-abstract.html#respond Wed, 27 Oct 2021 13:00:03 +0000 http://wvscience.org/?p=74 An abstract is a summary of an unpublished or published research paper. It’s about one paragraph of six to seven sentences and 150 to 250 words. An abstract allows readers to get the importance of your research paper. It enables them to decide whether to read the entire document or not. It prepares readers to abide by the papers detailed information, arguments, and analysis. It also assists readers in mastering critical points from your research paper.

The bibliographic databases and the search engines use abstracts. They use them together with titles to spot keywords that index your research paper. What you add in your title and abstract is essential to help researchers to get to your paper. When writing an abstract for your course paper, your teacher will give guidelines. The abstract journals have unique specifications for abstracts. Make sure you observe the instructions offered for the article you are writing.

Abstracts have a brief of the following information. The body of your paper will build and explain the ideas fully. The space you will give each information in an abstract varies depending on the type of paper. Abstract information may have these forms: the background information or context of research. It’s the general topic under study and the exact subject of the study. The abstract also has the central statements or questions of a problem that the investigation will address. An abstract has information on what was previously known about the question. It also has what the previous research has done. It also has the key reasons, rationale, goals, and exigency for the analysis.

An abstract also gives your analytical and research methods, arguments, results, or findings. It will also show the implications and significance of your arguments or conclusions.

An abstract has to have self-intelligibility to make the reader not read the entire paper. Don’t include reference citations in an abstract. An abstract has what you studied in the research. It has your research findings and your paper’s arguments. Citation of specific literature happens in the body of the article.

It’s tempting to write an abstract at the start of your writing because it comes as the first part of the paper. It’s advisable to write the entire essay first then go back to write an abstract. You will be in a position to know what you are summarizing.

A social science abstract uses the present tense to describe authentic interpretations. It also describes the general facts that are true. It includes the current explanations for the social phenomena under study. The present tense also helps to explain findings and implications in the research. Authors use the past tense in describing past research done.

A humanity abstract uses past tense to describe events done in the past. The present tense then becomes vital in describing the happenings in those past events. The past tense helps explain the meaning or significance of those past texts. It describes the arguments presented in that article.

Science abstracts use past tense to describe the effects of the previous research studies. The past tense also aids in describing researches conducted, methods used, and the findings. Science abstract uses the present tense to justify the author’s research.

The present tense also aids in introducing the study. It’s essential in explaining the importance of the study.


The above are perfect guidelines to use in writing an ideal abstract for science papers. Use the tips to make a complete and perfect abstract for your course paper. You can check examples online to boost your understanding of the concept.

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Hints to Help You Submit a 5-Page Paper in a Short Time http://wvscience.org/how-to-submit-5-page-paper-faster.html http://wvscience.org/how-to-submit-5-page-paper-faster.html#respond Wed, 21 Apr 2021 20:32:11 +0000 http://wvscience.org/?p=68 Are you a college student who has to write a five-page paper but has little time on their hands? Or maybe you’re just nervous about how your paper will come out? Whatever the case, we are here to help! The purpose of your five-page paper is to describe an event, how something works, or to persuade the reader in some way. Most five-page papers have a minimum word count of 1,500 words. However, you can have fewer words if you want the paper to be more concise. If you are wondering how to submit a five-page paper fast, then do not worry! There are many different methods that will help you complete your task quickly and easily.

How long should it take?

If you are writing a five-page paper on a historical event, the amount of time you complete your paper depends on the topic. If you are writing on how something works, then research and learning about that particular topic will help speed up the process. If you are trying to write an argumentative or persuasive paper, your main goal should be to write as much as possible in the shortest amount of time.

The main steps include:

  • pre-writing,
  • writing,
  • post writing.

Pre-writing: This includes all the steps that you may have already completed. It could include reading the assignment, outlining the paper, writing a rough draft, or even brainstorming ideas. These are all prep-writing strategies meant to ensure that you know exactly what should be in your five-page paper.

Writing: It is the actual writing and editing process. Once you get started, it is important to write as much as possible in one sitting. The amount of time that you take to write depends on commitment to completing the task. If your mind gets distracted at any point during this step, then take a five-minute break and return to it later.

If you are writing on a computer, the program will alert you when the time ends for your five-page paper. You can also use the handy stopwatch that many computers have. However, if you do not have access to a timer or stopwatch, make sure that you keep track of how much time you spent on each paper section.

Post-writing: This step involves editing the paper and making any necessary changes to ensure it is 100% complete. Once you have finished writing, it is time to review your work and then edit it. If you find that you need more time to go over your work, then consider another strategy.

Break your tasks into smaller steps

One of the most effective ways to submit a five-page paper fast is to break your task into smaller parts. By breaking down your paper into separate steps, you will feel more motivated to complete each step, which will help you finish on time. If you have a large project, divide it up by parts and days. For example, if you need to write 1,500 words in five days, divide them up so each day has 300 words for the five-page paper. If you are trying to figure out how to write a five-page paper fast, breaking up your project into smaller parts makes the project seem easier and more manageable.

Write large to write faster

If you need to submit a five-page paper one day, you probably do not have time for editing. Therefore, you should write as fast as possible and not fret over spelling, grammar, or punctuation. The most effective way to write large is to use a large font. If you are writing on a computer, there are also many ways to increase the font size. If you do not want to use a bigger font size, try writing in all capital letters. You will probably have time to go back and edit it later if you need to.

Power writing

Another effective way to submit a five-page paper fast is called power writing. Power writing means that you are going to write as much as possible in one sitting. For this method, you will need a timer or stopwatch to know when to take a break. The ideal time for the break is between 10 and 90 minutes. When the timer rings, take a five-minute break, then get back to writing! Power writing allows you to write more in less time because you have built up your endurance by practicing it.

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Ideas to Make a College Paper Unique http://wvscience.org/make-your-college-paper-unique.html http://wvscience.org/make-your-college-paper-unique.html#respond Wed, 21 Apr 2021 20:28:51 +0000 http://wvscience.org/?p=64 Students transition from high school life to campus, whereby they learn how they can write an outstanding college paper. During my first semester in college, my professor assigned me an essay and then told us that we were to forget almost everything taught to us previously, like rephrasing questions and introductory sentences.

I had learned writing one way during my years in grade school but am now being told a different thing. I was unsure what could impress my professors when I wrote my first paper in college. I did not know how I could make my paper stand out and also impress my professors.

I improved in writing my college papers as each day passed and over the years after realizing that there were many ways of writing a college paper. When I enrolled for a master’s degree, I had ideas working on my papers to get A’s in every assignment that I did.  I have compiled different ideas that will improve your skill in writing and make your writing unique.

  1. State your Position

As I transitioned from high school to college, I thought I had complete knowledge of writing my academic papers, much to my surprise that I only submitted shallow work. My work lacked scholarly references that supported my ideas. I realized that one had to jot down the main ideas, find a few references that supported the ideas before presenting your work to my lecturer.

  1. Satisfy the writing expectations of your professor

A student will get to know their professor’s needs based on the previous work they had done. It would be best if you went through your work to check your spelling and grammar and then formatting your work.

  1. Go through your papers and check for errors

The best way to read your papers is by reading your work out loud and backward. Reading through your work in this format shall help a student to capture errors very quickly.

  1. Don’t fear challenging something

The best way of challenging an idea that is said in class is by looking for references to support your thoughts. Most professors assign marks based on how a student gives out their answers.

  1. Show that you know something

For a paper to stand out, students need to connect what they learned from the beginning of the class to where they start writing their college paper. A student should avoid a summary of their work but instead show scholarly support, give examples, and connecting materials.

  1. Choosing different Vocabularies

Students should avoid using filler words while writing their work which would make their work vague. The best writing technique is for students to cite their college papers using a scholarly source to avoid their work from being empty.

A professor likes their students showing that they can reason widely using the information that they acquire in class. One can also use the thesaurus to find different vocabularies for their work.


Many students may struggle to make their college papers to be unique. The students should, however, consult their professors for assistance in writing their work. As a student, you have to look for different articles and read them widely to make your work better.

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Literature Review Writing Tips http://wvscience.org/literature-review-writing-tips.html http://wvscience.org/literature-review-writing-tips.html#respond Wed, 21 Apr 2021 20:27:38 +0000 http://wvscience.org/?p=61 A literature review provides a sense of informed advice on a topic. The review provides the most important scholarly work source on poetry, a topic, or a drama.

The audience and intention of doing a literature review

A researcher should have an idea of what the rest of the people already know concerning their topic before adding more knowledge on the topic. The reasons for the thorough research about the topic of interest are; firstly, to avoid duplicating content that already exists in other scholarly sources. Secondly, the researcher’s work needs connected work that has been done by other scholars and researchers who have dealt with the same before. Thirdly, the researcher may wish to locate a gap that needs to be addressed when carrying out their research on a particular topic. Finally, a researcher should make the audience familiar with what is already written on the particular topic.

The literature review audience consists of members who are found in the field of the writer. As such, the colleagues in that particular field may not be professionals in dealing with the research topic of the writer’s interest. A writer doing research needs to realize the audience so that they can offer the right content.

Literature review forms

The writers, students, or researchers may write a literature review after an introduction before writing on the methods section. It is the case if the literature review is a single section of a lengthy article of research. At the end of such research, a researcher would identify an existing gap in that field and then develop some research questions to be answered when conducting research.

When a researcher has to submit a literature review as stand-alone documents, the conclusion will point to the disadvantages and the gaps to be addressed in that particular research field.

What a writer needs to do as they review the literature

  1. Defining and clarifying the question, topic, problem, or issue on the work they are doing.
  2. Explain knowledge available about the topic by summarizing the vital sources on the topic and stating how the sources are connected, including similarities and differences.
  3. Give suggestions on how the writers and researchers may expand the topic, solve the problem, and answer the question.

A literature review writer has to develop a topic and then research how the other researchers have addressed the topic in their work.

The order of the summary does not define a literature review

Some writers make the mistake of arranging a literature review to make the summary come in a particular order. The writer may state their first source then gives information on how the source addresses the question or issue. Having discussed the first source, they then move to the second, third, and so on until the paper’s conclusion. Such a research paper will not synthesize a particular source, therefore not meeting the literature review requirements.

Organize the literature review according to the theme or topic that a source addresses. The writer has to examine their source and ask the theme or question which they are handling. The researcher needs to know how the approaches are taken to solve a particular problem and respond to a particular problem or question.


There are steps to consider when doing a literature review. A researcher has to identify a topic to discuss and give out their view, citation of their work, and finally write their conclusion.

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9 Steps to Writing Your Analytical Research Paper http://wvscience.org/9-steps-to-writing-your-analytical-research-paper.html http://wvscience.org/9-steps-to-writing-your-analytical-research-paper.html#respond Mon, 09 Nov 2020 11:13:07 +0000 http://wvscience.org/?p=55 Writing an analytical research paper well and easily takes more than just a nice topic and materials. It is a process that begins way before the actual writing itself. You need to prepare adequately for it and make sure that everything is in place. Below are the steps you can follow to come up with a great analytical research paper easy and quick:

  1. Choosing a Topic

There are times when instructors provide topical options for students. However, in most cases, the students will be required to choose a topic from their sources. A good topic should be interesting, acute, and narrow.

  1. Clarify All the Details

Before you kick off your research, it is good to be on the same page with your instructor. Ask them to clarify any unclear details and help you understand the dynamics of the study. Remember to pay special attention to the word limit requirements, formatting style, and also paper structure.

  1. Identify Reliable Sources

For you to come up with some quality work, you will need to get your materials from reliable sources.  Put in all the work in your search for authentic sources so that when you begin the analysis your arguments will hold water.

  1. Note Making

You do not want to miss any important detail in this study. Make sure you take notes of all your sources, this will help you to do proper and adequate referencing on your paper. Otherwise, you will be guilty of plagiarism.

  1. Brainstorming

You need to do a lot of brainstorming for you to write a quality analytical research paper and do it quickly. Find the most conducive environment, relax your mind, and make some consultations here and there to come up with creative ideas for your research.

  1. Write the Outline

An outline will act as a guide to your paper. Understand and write the structure of your paper so that you do not end up with an inaccurately structured paper. Make a list of all the sections in their correct order and any important phrases.

  1. Make your First Draft

This is simply your research paper as it should be, only that it may be full of mistakes that will need to be corrected before submission.

  1. Paper Editing

Edit your first draft so that you can have your final paper for submission. At this stage, you are expected to fish out all the grammatical, spelling, and formatting errors. If you are not sure in your skills, you should consult one of the professional paper and dissertation editing services.

  1. Proofreading

Take your text through an accuracy test as far as all the small details are concerned. Make sure that your spellings, punctuations, and wording are on point. Be attentive to present the best version of your paper.

Final Recommendations

Paper deadlines should not push you to start writing a paper without proper preparation. If you take your time to put things in order, then you will take less time to complete your paper and the results will also be impressive. Use the step by step guide above to take your analytical research writing game a notch higher.

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How to Write an APA Research Paper http://wvscience.org/how-to-write-an-apa-research-paper.html http://wvscience.org/how-to-write-an-apa-research-paper.html#respond Wed, 04 Nov 2020 19:31:53 +0000 http://wvscience.org/?p=24 A research paper is one of the academic papers that students, especially those in college, cannot run away from. It is part of the curriculum and it helps students to sharpen their research and analysis skills. Considering its detailed and intense nature, most students find it almost impossible to do it by themselves. They seek professional assistance and this means parting with some bucks. However, if you decide to handle it by yourself, you need to know how to structure it correctly in the specified style. Below is a 7-step guideline on how to write an APA research paper:

  1. Choose Your Topic

Every paper must have a topic upon which the rest of the body will be built. For your research paper, choose a topic that will not give you trouble as you build up your work. Make it of reasonable scope. Not too broad that you lose focus and not too narrow that you do not cover enough.

  1. Formulate a Thesis Statement

This will act as a guide as you work on your research. It will keep you focused so that you do not wander all over the place. A good thesis statement keeps drawing your attention back to your main subject.

  1. Gather Materials

You will need adequate and relevant materials to support your thesis and give credibility to your study. Gather materials from credible sources, take notes and make the necessary documentation. Remember to cite all your sources to avoid plagiarism.

  1. Make an Outline

This is the skeleton that you will use to fill in materials on your paper. Make sure that your outline is well-structured so that it does not mislead you when you start building on your study. This way, you will not lose track of your thoughts since you have a guideline.

  1. Create a Draft

Once you have a clear direction of where your work should go, it is time to create your initial draft. This includes everything that will be in your final paper only that it has to be edited and polished before approval. Make sure that your topic is concise and catchy enough to make the right impression about the rest of the paper.

  1. Edit Your Paper

A research paper is quite detailed and so you will need to carefully proofread, get paper revision help, and edit it to make your final copy. Get all the necessary editing tools to get rid of errors and reconcile the ideas. All typos, grammatical errors, and common inconsistencies should be dealt with at this stage.

  1. Make the Final Draft

Once you are done with all the editing, you can now write your final draft. Make sure you confirm with your tutor on any specific details that should be on your final paper per your college’s requirements.

In conclusion

Writing a quality research paper is not necessarily difficult but it can be quite a challenge if you do not know how to do it. The guideline above is a standard APA style process that will help you to deliver a high-quality paper.

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